Bad Parenting introduces players to Ron, a father who faces the eerie presence of Mr. Red Face, a figure from local folklore said to reward good behavior in children. However, this myth takes a sinister turn as Ron discovers that Mr. Red Face hides a darker motive. Set within the confines of a small apartment, the game explores the tension between familial love and the supernatural forces threatening to unravel it. Ron must protect his family while uncovering the true nature of the red-faced man.
The game features a distinct visual style inspired by 90s cartoons, creating a sense of nostalgia while weaving in psychological horror elements. Players will navigate linear gameplay with a focus on narrative, solving puzzles and piecing together clues about Mr. Red Face’s origins. This contrast between the colorful, hand-drawn aesthetic and the grim unfolding events enhances the eerie atmosphere.
Bad Parenting tackles heavy themes, such as domestic tension and childhood fears, making it both unsettling and thought-provoking. Its short playtime of about 30 minutes delivers a compact yet impactful experience, ensuring that every scene serves to build tension or advance the plot. With its emotional undertones and haunting story, the game offers a powerful reflection on familial relationships under the strain of fear.
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